Does God really care?
Absolutely. You were in His heart and mind long before you first took a breath. Does He stop caring for you once you’re born?
“I created you and have cared for you since before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime–until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you” (Isaiah 46:3-4 NLT).
I love this promise. As my dark brown hair strands begin to turn more gray, I don’t mind the white that will eventually follow. It will be another reminder that God’s care is still with me.
There may be times when you wonder if this promise is really true. You look at your circumstances–or at others. You look at our world situation. And you think, did God take a vacation?
As long as we live in a fallen world, we–and others–will experience difficulty, trials, and unbelievable challenges. But those whose faith is planted firmly in God’s promises and in His Word, will not be shaken.
God’s Care Never Ends
Treasure it. Believe it. (And enjoy that graying hair!) God cares for you–and He will never stop caring for you!
What Bible promise will you claim this year?