What if I told you about one habit that can change your life in almost every area? What is one thing, one simple application, one decision–five words–that can make your life better?
This One Habit That Can Change Your Life Is No Secret
That one habit is really not a secret. David the Psalmist discovered and wrote about it in Psalm 56:3 NKJV: Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. David knew what it meant to be afraid, and he knew what it meant to trust God.
You guessed it. You spell the habit that can change your life, T-R-U-S-T.
Can You Trust in Every Situation?
Recently I meditated on that verse and wondered, what if I applied that same habit to every problem and every negative emotion I encountered daily? What if I could learn to trust God in every situation?
We already know how human we are. So does God. He made us. But simply being aware of that one habit, of applying that one truth could help us win some daily battles. And we all know how those dailies lead up to weekly and monthly and yearly failures if we simply ignore and give in.
The Trust Challenge
So I’m giving you a “Trust Challenge.” Make your own list of negative emotions or habits that need work, or areas in which you want to rely on God more. Then place an “I will trust (in God)” after it. Replace something negative with the positive habit of trusting. I’ve listed some examples below:
Whenever I’m afraid, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m confused, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m tired, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m weak, I will trust in God
Whenever I’m lonely, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m tempted, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m angry, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m discouraged, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m disappointed, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m hurting, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m sick, I will trust in God.
Whenever I’m worried, I will trust in God.
Whenever I fail, I will trust in God.
I added that last one to help you whenever you blow it trying to trust. And you will. But keep trusting. God is faithful. He can be trusted. And He wants to help you.
This One Habit That Can Change Your Life Is a Positive Choice
We’re not talking about positive thinking, but a personal commitment, a positive choice. This one habit that can change your life can bring a peaceful attitude and a sense of freedom in your spirit. Practice it often. You can’t control your circumstances. You can’t change other people. And you can’t change yourself. Only God can do that. But you can change your perspective, how you handle difficulties, and how you approach life. You can decide to trust the only One who can make sense out of anything and everything. Trust God. In everything. In every way. All the time. Simply TRUST. And let God do the rest.
It can change your life. He can change your life.
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, we give in so easily to the difficulties that surround us. Worry or fear can easily overwhelm us, and lead us away from trusting You. Yet in Your wisdom and love, You have given us every reason to trust You. You hold the keys to life and happiness. In You we can find peace and courage to overcome any obstacle. Help us develop a trust in You at all times, because You never fail us!
Day-votedly Yours,
Your might also enjoy this post I wrote called, A Prayer for Peace Within.
It’s Your Turn
What about you? What situations make it hard for you to trust God? Will you accept the Trust Challenge today? I love to hear from readers. You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. We’ll never share your name or info with anyone without your permission.
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