On most Memorial Days I’ve chosen to share this special Memorial Day Tribute with you. Special prayers and blessings go to those of you whose friends, family members, or loved ones have given their lives for freedom.
Remember those who gave their lives for our country, for freedom, and all we hold dear. Take time on Memorial Day to pause and thank God for those who died. The following Memorial Day Tribute is for them and for freedom.
A Tribute for Memorial Day – and Freedom
Rebecca Barlow Jordan
The young, the old, The timid, the bold.
They gave and they fought
without thought of themselves, just others.
Some died. Others lived.
Some lost. Others gained
And the tears are for them, but for us as well.
Their stories live on, too many to tell.
But the ones who remain still sing the refrain
while memories dance in their heads,
Of a song deep inside for the ones who have died,
as they live each day with the pain.
And the tune passed down through the ages of time
whispers loud in the hearts of mankind.
We remember the cost and all that’s been lost
but we keep on singing their song.
Gratitude wells, and thanks belong
to all those who played a part.
For the badges of valor, both great and small
are not measured by deed, but the size of the heart.
Their courage and faith, pressed on through prayers,
offered by those left behind,
will not be forgotten, their song will live on
in hearts that will never resign.
Sing it loud; sing it often, and never forget
the price that was given for you.
“I thank my God every time I remember you” (Philippians 1:3, NIV).
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, thank You for the men and women who have given their lives in service for our country and for freedom. Thank You for their courage, selflessness, and passion. Please comfort the ones who have lost loved ones and friends. Surround them with Your grace and mercy as memories flood their hearts. Hold them close with Your arms of love, and bless them daily for the sacrifice they have endured. And may we remember always, the cost of freedom and the price others paid for us.
Day-votedly Yours,
You might also like this post I wrote called, “Thanks for Our Veterans and for America’s Freedom.”
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It’s Your Turn
Who Are You Remembering?
Perhaps you know someone who died in the service of our country, fighting for the freedom of others. Who are you remembering this Memorial Day? A relative, spouse, friend? And may we thank you, as well, for the influence you may have had in their lives. Your love, your prayers, your gifts, your faith–no matter how big or small your contribution, we remember you, and thank God for you, too. Thank you, and God bless the families of those left behind.
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